More on aborting poor babies

From the blog Right On by JSOnline's Patrick McIlheran
Gaylor, the paper goes on to detail in inexorably unfolding horror, founded the fund whose sole purpose is to pay for abortions. Last year alone, it paid out $162,000 or so, three-fourths of it from individual donors and a quarter from foundations that apparently see some humans as, well, debris. One donor last year, a California woman who’d in the past given to the anti-religion group Gaylor used to lead, forked over $20,000, based presumably on Gaylor’s fund-raising pitch, which tells of helping girls pregnant at 12 or a girl raped by her father.
Both, of course, are horrible situations, almost as horrible as being not merely pregnant but chopped into little pieces and not at 12 but at a much, much more vulnerable age. After all, being killed by a choice-armed mother is much less tragic than being raped by monstrous father, yes?

No, actually. It's not. Helpfully, Matt at Badger Catholic goes through the story asking the questions you’d actually have upon reading this, such as: Did you call in the case of the obvious felony that got a 14-year-old pregnant?

And ( Ginny Maziarka at Wissup does a more cold-fury version:

“We can only assume this means almost 19,000 babies were killed with the assistance of Gaylor and her ilk. That means 19,000 ‘ooopsies,’ ‘accidents,’ ‘mistakes,’ ‘unwanteds,’ ‘low-class,’ ‘destined to be poor,’ ‘loser’ babies didn't get the opportunity to contribute to society, prove themselves, make a difference.”
Two notes.  First, yes I was referenced in a JSOnline article.  Read the whole thing here.  Second, that's I think Gaylor's motivation is really comes down to class warfare.  She sees the poor as something detestable.  These utterly useless (what a Christian would call) persons infect her existence and she can think of nothing better than to remove them apparently in any way she can get away with.  But let us not forget to pray for our enemies.  It is not too late for Gaylor's conversion.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are truly famous.

It is so cool we got hang out this weekend.


P.S. Get rid of word verification. It is evil.

Badger Catholic said...

You really DO check this blog Kathryn! The blogosphere needs you! I would have never know about the St Crispin's Day speech had it not been for you. Where would I be without being able to quote:

And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day!

PS> I'd love to get rid of word verification but unless you would like to read about the going rate for Viagra, I'm keeping it on.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

When you don't believe in God, as Gaylor says she doesn't, and you work to obliterate any mention of Him or of His Church, this is the logical outcome: kill the unborn of the poor.
Some kinda social justice, eh?
Grind up the babies in the suction machine, tear them limb from limb in that horrid D&C; decapitate and quarter them (English martyrs, anyone?) in the "partial birth abortion" horror;
yes, your money is well-spent, you horrid hag...may Jesus give you the grace of repentance before you breathe your last...may our Lady be there to help you; otherwise, you're lost.