Dope opines in Winona MN paper that Catholics are Nazis

Blessed Clemens August von Galen
Bishop of Münster 1933-46
See quotes below
By Gary Eisele
A former rector[Bp Richard Williamson] at your local Catholic seminary [St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary - SSPX] apparently had a little too much heresy, even for a pope, and denied the Holocaust ever really happened.

So what?

Since when are Catholics suppose to be experts, or even half-way knowledgeable, about history? [Your welcome by the way for our monks recording history while pagans and rebels burned our libraries]

Darrell Ehrlick writes, “It’s hard to believe you’d even write a sentence that ties the Roman Catholic bishop with a neo-Nazi group.”

That’s just too much! Even coming from him.

Nazism, spread through Europe by Hitler and his key (mostly Catholic) henchmen, had the pope’s blessing and prayers — as long as they appeared to be succeeding. [Historical revisionism]

When the tide turned against Hitler, then the pope turned his back on him, for political expediency. This is how the politicians in Rome historically operate. Popes are very sheep-like, until they politically have the upper hand. [PS> All Popes are very evil]

Recommended reading of plain, documented, accepted facts include “American Freedom and Catholic Power,” by Paul Blanchard[sic. Paul Beecher Blanshard, socialist, secular humanist, notably anti-Catholic, a quite reliable source]; “Vatican Imperialism In The Twentieth Century,” by Avro Manhatten[Avro Manhattan, buddies with George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells, and anti-Catholic]; and “History Of The Christian Church,” by Philip Schaff. [German Reformed Church and anti-Catholic]

And how about trying something different for a change and reading some of the above material before slandering it and this letter as “hate literature?” [Because you only chose sources that agree with your thesis that Catholics are evil.]

You see, I don’t hate Catholics.[Now THAT'S funny] I’m all for their continued education. [Funny, that's the same thing the Nazi's said]

Nowadays people are so conditioned, with a lot of help from the media, to think that they are being persecuted every time someone stands up and talks about them or their beliefs.  [You're talking about history.  You didn't even bring up any doctrine.]

For documentation of real persecution, read “Fox’s Book Of Martyrs.” [by John Foxe, more from NewAdvent]

This guy needs spell check and prayers.
We must be prepared that in the near future such terrifying news will accumulate—that even here one religious house after another will be confiscated by the Gestapo and that its occupants, our brothers and sisters, children of our families, loyal German citizens, will be thrown on to the street like outlawed helots and hunted out of the country, like vermin.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941

Many times, and again quite recently, we have seen the Gestapo arresting blameless and highly respected German men and women without the judgment of any court or any opportunity for defense, depriving them of their freedom, taking them away from their homes interning them somewhere. In recent weeks even two members of my closest council, the chapter of our cathedral, have been suddenly seized from their homes by the Gestapo, removed from Münster and banished to distant places.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941
For more, check out This Rock: Catholic Martyrs of the Holocaust 

HT Stella Borealis(who also added a spot on comment to the article)


Gary E. said...

Ray stated “you only chose sources that agree with your thesis that Catholics are evil.”

This is SOP. This an ignorant statement is against even THIRD GRADE logic!

Ray, didn’t they teach you that IF A CAT IS AN ANIMAL, THEREFORE ALL ANIMALS ARE CATS is wrong? This is what Ray calls “apologetics” (defending your faith).

No, the thesis was that a Catholic doesn’t know the history of his so-called “church,” otherwise he would get out of it as fast as he could. Nazism was just one page of Vatican history.

He implies that the books shouldn’t be read; otherwise you might learn something the pope doesn’t want you to know. In the book SMOKESCREENS by Jack T. Chick, there is PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF, but I suppose that the photographer was a “secular humanist,” or something. He’s trying to destroy the sources, so you won’t read them.




Ray says, “You're talking about history. You didn't even bring up any doctrine.’

Here’s one: Just one Bible teaching alone could have prevented the entire horrible child molesting fiasco that has occurred by many priests through the centuries including those who were never caught, and that is the Bible teaching, known by most everyone else, that THERE AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE ANY PRIESTS IN THE FIRST PLACE! The Old Testament Jewish office of priest was done away with for the early church and all church-age born-again Christians. There is a "priest hood of all believers" but that is a spiritual thing that has absolutely nothing to do with the Baal-lite black robed priests called "Father" that is copied into catholic tradition. To read an exhaustively complete documentation of where this and many other catholic traditions came from that you've never seen in any New Testament, read:

THE TWO BABYLONS, by Alexander Hislop:

Badger Catholic said...

Hi Gary,

My name is Matt, not Ray, but I can see you always carefully read source documentation and never take another's word without first corroborating it with actual evidence.

You just referenced Jack Chick. How am I supposed to take you seriously? For someone that has been so thoroughly debunked as a liar and will not appear in public to explain his bizarre writings. As I said previously, if you cannot provide some evidence of Nazism from a non-Fundamentalist source, then we can talk. Posting four links in your comment which wildly contradict one another isn't going to make me a believer in your style of "Christianity" or your style of reading history for that matter.

It seems you are excited with anger. I'll pray for you. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas!

Kat said...

LOL -- BC, how do you attract these people? You must be doing something right ;)

Cheryl said...

Hey- Maybe he's confusing you with Steve RAY?!?
Gary should listen to Steve Ray's conversion story, within which he talks of the early Church, found at

Gary E. said...

If Paul the Apostle had been a Catholic before his conversion (before he was “born again”), he would have been on good terms with the traditional and uncompromising St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary.

“Every pope since Innocent I (what a name!) has taught that if you believed, confessed, took the sacraments, obeyed the church, and lived a good life, you would make it.”

That is not the gospel that Paul preached.

However, before his conversion “Paul persecuted the Christians (Acts 5-9; see 9:14 KJB), killed people (Acts 26:10), tortured people (vs. 11), and made Christians curse God (vs. 11).

He didn’t approve of the Inquisition as Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), he WAS the Inquisition!

(Quotes are from “Galatians Ephesians Philippeans Colossians” (1973), by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D. President of Pensacola Bible Institute).

Gary E. said...

Thanks Kat.

I need to apologize to third graders for the comment I made comparing Ray's twisted logic to their level. This isn't true. Third graders are smarter--infact, so is my turtle.

See how simple it is to "defend" the Catholic faith. Whenever someone presents facts, you just say the source is no good. It's circular reasoning at best.

Gary E. said...

Papal Rome has murdered more people than pagan Rome ever thought of doing.

You want doctrine? Bible or Catholic? I'll give you a contrast:

In the New Testament church:
1.) There are no nuns,eucharists,masses,or leaders called "father," which Jesus forbid when he said "call no man 'father'...(context of religous leaders)

2.)No one's allowed to bow down to Peter or kiss his feet,no such thing as "apostolic succession," no 'infallability' of the real apostles, and Peter was MARRIED!

3.)The sacrifice Christ made was done once and for all:therefore, no need for the blasphemous 'mass,' and certainly no need for an 'priests,' married, gay, perverted, or otherwise. (I'm sure many are sincere and hopefully will "come out of her my people."

4.) There's no perpectual virginity of "Mary," as Jesus had brothers and sisters, who were NOT is cousins.

5.) No one going to seminary for 12 years to learn how to appear pious and how to explain the vast number of anti-catholic verses and teachings in the Bible.

6.) No where after Acts 15 are the real Apostles teaching as gentile salvation the teachings Jesus gave to Jews still under the Old Testament Law (Mat.1-26).

The Jewish Davidic Kingdom that Jesus presented (which is what most of the Bible is about) could have began had the Jews not rejected Chris the second time in Acts 7 with the stoning of Steven.

The Gosple Paul preached was "new" and was given to him by Jesus personally. This is explained fully in his epistles which priests no very little about as they are trying to spread the wrong kindom.

Badger Catholic said...

The Nazis? Are you still talking about the Nazis? Or do you call everyone whom you disagree with Nazis? Was Martin Luther a Nazi too then? You know he said you have to be baptized to inherit eternal life.

Anonymous said...


This is the wrong place for this type of forum. Like my friend Matt, I like a good dialogue with a brother Christian. If you truly want a usefully discourse with fellow Catholic Christians try going to These comment sections are for short comments, not pages upon pages of rebuttals.

However.. point 1 you made of the typical 'lighting fast round': no eucharist's, masses, leaders in NT times.” Eucharist = thanksgiving in Greek. (Mark 14:22-24). See also Mt 26:26, Lk 22:1-20 and 24:30, 1 Cor 11: 23-29. Leaders = Mt 16:18, Mt 28:18-20, Jn 20:23, Jn21:15-17, Acts 1:23-26, Acts6:3-6, 1 Tim 3:1& 5:17.

Jack Trick..I mean Chick? Common. What's next 'Boettner's Roman Catholicism'? Some of your points do sound familiar. I suggest the best place for you to learn what the Catholic Church actually teaches, would be from CATHOLIC sources. And yes, there are lots of BIBLE passages for you to read too.

Some books for you to read to help you mind better understand Catholicism before slamming it: "Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic" by David B Currie OR “Catholicism vs. Fundamentalism" by Karl Keating (founder of Catholic Answers). I found both of the books helpful during my conversion process from an ‘anti-catholic atheist’. BTW- The Catholic Church is probably the loudest teaching body against active homosexual behavior, along with the ‘sanctity of live (abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, cloning, etc.).

Speaking of pro-life, I wonder how many protestants preach being pro-life while they are taking Artificial Birth Control pills that have caused a number of chemical abortions known only to God due to the ‘thinning’ of the Uterus wall preventing implantation. MY POINT: Yes there are “Catholics” who use ABC, but the difference is my church teaches against it. Finally-- I will not refute any further comments..see sentence one.

Please pray for me that in 2011 I will love the Lord even more than I do now and that I’ll have the grace I need to be the husband & father he has called me to be. :) My the peace and love of Our Lord Jesus be with you the Christmas season.