Petition in protest of Marquette University Feingold Hire

Despite his 100% pro-abortion record from NARAL, the former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold was invited to join the faculty of Marquette University, a Catholic institution, as a visiting professor of law. The event is understandably causing scandal.

According to the record, Senator Feingold not only supported the grisly procedure known as partial birth abortion but also favors same-sex “marriage” and embryonic stem cell destruction.

However, Marquette Law School Dean Joseph D. Kearney attempts to explain the appointment away: “While I do not doubt that some of his views are controversial, or, still less, suggest that all of them are right, an institution of legal education is especially well suited to explore multiple dimensions of such issues.”

Students naturally look up to their teachers and teachers who support the killing of innocent unborn children – as is the case here – are inappropriate educational role models in any school, not to mention a Catholic university.
Sign it at TFP Student Action

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