Photos: Cardinal Burke ordains new ICKSP deacons

Cardinal Burke, the great champion of traditional liturgy, has ordained three new deacons for the Institute of Christ the King at their seminary near Florence on 30 January 2011. On the day before, the Cardinal had led their annual pilgrimage to Treviso, where the heart of St. Francis de Sales, Patron of the Institute, is venerated. Here are some images of both occasions.

And this last one is particularly interesting.  It reminds me of that old Latin phrase; Go Pack Go!

many more at New Liturgical Movement


Unknown said...

Hahaha!!! Go Pack indeed!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Card. Burke is from Wisconsin, isn't he?

Badger Catholic said...

Yes indeed

Anonymous said...

I love that last picture! I can't stop laughing.

Unknown said...

What is so funny of this? Out of any traditional group, from the FSSP to the SSPX, to the SSPV, the ICRSS is one of the best ones I have seen. They have a fantastic spirituality, and they are always charitable. Now, as of for you people, YES they use a lot of lace, and really nice vestments. THIS IS ALSO: What St. Francis of Assisi did, he had a REALLY LACY surplice, when asked if he was disobeying his vow of poverty he said: Nope, it is only the BEST for the Lord. We as people should follow the the ICRSS teaches. (ICKSP) it is to Cook the truth in Charity. Oh yah, I forgot to mention, just because they emphasize on Lace, Incence, Vestments, etc,it doesn't mean when the priest say mass, it is a bunch of empty words. NO, if you attend an ICKSP mass, with an ICKSP priest saying the mass, you will notice a certain level of Dignity and reverence. I have gone to the SSPX for 1 year, the FSSP for 2, and many others for 1. THEY ALL DO NOT HAVE THIS CERTAIN LEVEL OF DIGNITY AND REVERENCE. The reverence found at the ICKSP masses are VERY HIGH. I have never seen a more perfect way of celebrating mass. I have never seen a more perfect TLM until I saw an ICKSP mass. YES, this ICRSS is doing the will of God, same as the other traditional groups. we all have a mission in the Church and that is to be less condemning and more charitable to our fellow bretheren. WE MUST, as St. Francis de Sales said, aim at true devotion, we MUST cook the truth in Charity. Hopefully all this changed your views. If not, please keep this criticism down, it's not even criticism, but this is mocking... This post offended me, stop laughing at his Eminence Cardinal Burke.

Badger Catholic said...

Uhh, unknown, we are all traddys here, you know that right? We truly love Cardinal Burke and enjoy the presence of the ICRSS in this state. Saying His Eminence was wearing Green Bay Packer colors was not offensive or mocking.

Kat said...

Far from mocking, it's actually a sign of love, a sign he's one of us. Inculturation at its best, because it's taking two things we love and lifting them both to a higher purpose -- that of the glorification of God through the liturgy.

Anonymous said...

oh sorry about that.. I just had a really bad day with some SSPX ppl on lace and vestments... THEY ARE STUBBORN, they also hate us for having the blue server cassocks for the ICRSS. Sorry guys! :)