A Sensational Expulsion of the Devil in Iowa in 1928

As Steve Kuhl tells me often "Crack open a beer and enjoy."  I guess you can get it on Kindle too?  Apparently it was a pamphlet in the back of church back when it was still okay to talk about what a jerk the devil was. The online copy of BEGONE SATAN! can be found on EWTN.
Evidence for diabolical possession was so overwhelming, and there were so many witnesses, that this is one of few written reports of exorcism that the Catholic Church ever put their "Imprimatur" (stamp of approval[wellll, not exactly]) on.

NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, O.S.B.
IMPRIMATUR: Joseph F. Busch, Bishop of St. Cloud, Minnesota
July 23, 1935 Originally published in English by Rev. Celestine Kapsner, O.S.B.
Some interesting stuff like this:
At one time Satan became rather talkative about the Antichrist. Remember the time he had so triumphantly referred to the Mexican situation, when he said that he would stir up a fine mess for Him (Jesus) and His Church, far more detrimental than hitherto. When asked whether he meant that the furious rage of the Antichrist would be directed against the Church of God, he asserted that that was self-evident and insolently continued: "Yes, Satan is already abroad, and the Antichrist is already born in Palestine. (On another occasion he also mentioned America.) But he is still young. He must first grow up incognito before his power can become known."

It is strange that Catherine Emmerich mentioned a similar period, when she gave a description of Christ's descent into hell after His death upon the cross. She related that "when the portals of hell were opened by the angels, there was a terrible uproar, cursing, scolding, howling and moaning. Individual angels were hurling hordes of evil spirits aside. All were commanded to adore Jesus. This caused them the greatest pain. In the center of it all there was a bottomless abyss as black as night. Lucifer was bound in chains and cast into this depth of darkness. All this happened in accordance with set laws. I heard that Lucifer, if I am not mistaken, would again be freed for a time about fifty or sixty years before the year 2000 A. D.

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