Fox11: Reaction to no school vouchers in Green Bay

The latest back and forth about bringing the school choice voucher program to Green Bay came with mixed reactions from area educators.

The voucher program allows public school students to attend private schools at taxpayer expense. But an expansion to Green Bay was taken out of the state budget Wednesday.

The Director of Education of for the Green Bay Catholic Diocese says he sees the program as opening more doors.

"It as a great way of providing opportunity for families with modest income to be able to make the same kind of choices in terms of where they want their son or daughter to go to school as someone with more financial resources,” said Joe Bound.

Supporters say the program would save money. The vouchers are worth up to $6,442 per student, compared to the $10,000 a year it costs to educate a child in city's the public schools.

The program has been in Milwaukee for about 20 years. The proposal to expand it to Racine is still in the budget.
whole article at Fox 11

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