Archdiocese of Dubuque to celebrate 175 years

The Cathedral is filled to capacity on the morning of Wednesday
September 30, 1891 as the Diocese of Dubuque celebrates the
silver jubilee (25th anniversary) of Bishop John Hennessey.
Note the gas lamps used to provide illumination inside the building.
While the actual anniversary is July 28, 2012, the year long observance will provide an opportunity for a year of rejoicing, reflection and renewal. The overall goal is not to add extra work or activities for the parishes but to suggest ways to utilize existing events to connect to the 175th, incorporating the major themes of the history and celebration of the Archdiocese into regular parish celebrations (e.g. Parish Festival, Parish Anniversary, First Communion, Confirmation classes. etc.), in addition to the diocesan events listed below. Throughout the year, a series of “Did You Know?” segments will be provided for use in parish bulletins and other publications to educate and celebrate the history and future of the Archdiocese.
details at Arch Dubuque

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