Wisconsin dioceses choose new OCP music settings as norms

We are honored to share the following list of parishes, dioceses, archdioceses and worship communities around the world who have chosen OCP Mass settings to implement the new English translation of the Roman Missal.

It is our hope that these settings will help Catholics everywhere to celebrate their faith with renewed vigor.

Belmont Mass by Christopher Walker
Diocese of La Crosse (WI)

Mass of Renewal by Curtis Stephan
Diocese of La Crosse (WI)

Mass of St. Frances Cabrini by Kevin Keil
Diocese of La Crosse (WI)

Mass of the Resurrection by Randall DeBruyn
Diocese of Madison (WI)
Oregon Catholic Press

What have Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Superior selected?  Does anyone know?  I haven't heard any of them so I couldn't give my totally uneducated opinion on the matter.


Andy said...

Same crap, slightly improved words. Net gain? Not sure. I guess we'll see.

You can listen to them on you tube.

William said...

Diocese of Superior? Don't know for sure but would not be at all surprised if it's that horrid Schutte setting. We're stuck on stupid up here.

Anonymous said...

Andy, Your unkind comments are quite hurtful. As a composer and Catholic pastoral musician for over 40 years, I work long and hard when I compose a song for liturgy. I feel inspired by the Holy Spirit, and humbled when a parish uses one of my works. Your taste may favor another style than what I compose in, but to say my music is crap is very unchristian.

Kevin Keil, composer of the Mass of St. Frances Cabrini