More problems with my stupid theme

I keep breaking this website.  Virginia told me she was having the same problem but I chalked it up to her breaking everything she touches.  Well now I have the same problem.  So if you are seeing this, you are not alone.  Maybe I'll have some time to fix it next week when I'm off of work. 

It's weird, I firebugged this thing and everything looks right.

Still brainstorming on the BC 2.0.  I don't know what I would put for a header.  I got this guy on top for like $2 on some stock photo website. 


Kat said...

Woah. Back up a sec -- the text in the header is supposed to be a humanist sans-serif? Mine comes up as Helvetica.

Badger Catholic said...

Yeah, that header text has never worked right, LOL, why does anyone read this train wreck!

Actually I just looked at Firebug a little more and it looks like Blogger may have screwed up the image files maybe. One more reason to create my own wordpress site.

Badger Catholic said...

I think that has something to do with it not being a web font so if it's not downloaded, the browser just renders it with a default font.

Badger Catholic said...

I fixed it! Well not the font thing though. Google changed how it stores pictures.