TPE: Ten o'clock Midnight Mass averts tragedy

News of my parish: Overnight fire damages St. Alphonsus Church in Greendale reports Bill Glauber at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

"The fire broke out about 12:25 a.m. Sunday inside the church, 5960 W. Loomis Road, according to the Greendale Fire Department.

"The state fire marshal's office was at the scene Sunday morning investigating the cause of the fire. The church held a Mass at 10 p.m. Saturday, and that would have been the last event inside the church until Sunday morning."
From the newspaper account, the fire was confined to the sacristy, but there was extensive smoke and water damage.
The Provincial Emails


Kat said...

I'm really curious about what happened; after my parents and I heard it on the news the next morning, we were puzzling over not only what could be a cause, but which area was damaged. My mother thought maybe they'd used incense or something and left it in a place it might have caught something else on fire, but if that were the case, it'd be the sacristy at the rear of the nave. And, granted, it's been more than a decade since I was an altar server there, but I don't recall decorations being kept there; those were usually kept in the room on the back stairs by where the old choir room was.

Either way, it's a good thing the Blessed Sacrament wasn't in danger. That's on the other side of the church in the side chapel. (Or, at least, I assume no danger...they don't really mention it.)

Anonymous said...

a year or two ago they had some kind of flood also I seem to recall that twice the key to the tabernacle has been stolen, a real run of bad luck.

I'd be very surprised if they were using incense at St. Al's that would be too pre-councilar.