Confirmed: All Wisconsin bishops have spoken out on HHS persecution

Well I checked and it looks like AmP has his list updated with all the Sconnies as well.

Archbishop Listecki of Milwaukee,
Bishop Ricken of Green Bay (Bishop Ricken read his letter to the faithful at Mass, receiving a standing ovation.)
Bishop Morlino of Madison
Bishop Callahan of La Crosse
Bishop Christenson of Superior

It is my understanding that all of the bishops required the letter read at each parish last Sunday. 



William said...

Let me tell you! Where I went Mass this weekend in the Diocese of Superior, Bishop Christensen's letter was not read but stuffed into the parish bulletin. Now, that's better than nothing at all I grant you; but having been around in the days when a letter from the Bishop that was, indeed, to be read at all Masses, was, indeed, READ at all Masses. I can tell you that the impact of stuffing it in the bulletin was flat, quite flat. When a bishop directs (if indeed he does direct) that his letter be READ to the faithful at all Masses, then at all Masses it should be read. The clergy here in the Diocese of Superior are mostly of "a certain age," and, of course, we all know what that means. Pray for Bishop Christensen and the faithful in his diocese.

Bai Macfarlane said...

The US Bishops are readying to refuse to comply with ObamaCare laws that mandate paying for services that are a violation their religion. As spiritual fathers, they find it unconstitutional to be forced to pay for something that is immoral, according to their own religion.

Why don’t the same Bishops come to the defense of natural fathers who have been forced to pay for something that is immoral?

In no-fault divorce, millions of innocent reliable fathers and husband have been forced to pay for being immorally removed from their own children’ lives. Fathers are forced to pay state agents, such as guardian ad litems, court psychologist, and court fees. Their wages are garnished to support their children and wife in a separate household in which they are, for no moral reason, forbidden to live.

I hope the Bishops’ ultimatum is not too little to late. For nearly forty years, the government has been forcing reliable Catholic spouses to pay for something that is immoral. So why wouldn’t the government expect the same coercion to go unchallenged by the institutional Church.

Bai Macfarlane
Director of Mary’s Advocates
Inviting Catholics to invoke the intervention of the Church against no-fault divorce