Bishop Baraga's Heroic Virtues Approved

From Bishop Sample's Facebook page
The news we have all been waiting for these days. I spent the day taking care of business in Rome that was interrupted by the snow. I was having lunch with Cardinal Raymond Burke when the phone call came to me from our Postulator for Bishop Baraga's Cause. The Cardinals and Archbishops who are members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints met today and gave a POSITIVE vote on Bishop Baraga's heroic virtue! This means this will now go to the Holy Father who will declare his heroic virtue and give him the title "Venerable"! A HUGE step in the Cause for his beatification. Now if the miracle is approved, we could have a beatification before too long. Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. It is customary in the Church to celebrate great news with a solemn "Te Deum". Enjoy the attached YouTube recording from Westminster Cathedral as we celebrate this wonderful news. May God be praised!
HT Caritas in Veritate

Image by Matthew Alderman

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