GB Evangelical Pastor strongly supports Bishop Ricken's stance against HHS

I’m deeply concerned. Concerned that a huge storm is coming in our country. Our economy is under siege through unbridled spending. Our way of life is under siege by radical extremists who use terror to justify their unholy war.  And our basic religious freedoms are now under siege by our very own government. What, you say? Our government? Yes. More than economic stagnation or terrorist threats, recent actions by our own government anger me the most. Why? Because it cuts at our soul. We are one nation under God. Under God. It seems that our government doesn’t understand that. I am calling upon all of my friends and denominations of our vast and diverse American church to send a clear and powerful message. No more.

I applaud the recent actions of Green Bay Catholic Bishop David Ricken, who took a huge public stand against an outrageous new mandate by the US Department of Health & Human services. The ruling forces religious hospitals and organizations to provide sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs; services which violate religious freedoms. Read the Bishop’s letter here (PDF).

Silence shows complicity. We must stand against this law, which opens up a legal Pandora’s box if we allow government to dictate religious freedoms. Please, let our President and Congress know that this is unacceptable.
continue at Life Church

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