Poll Alert: Should priests be able to change the words of Mass when they want to?

Over at Fr. Z's place, he has the story of an Illinois priest who refused not just the new translation, but any translation which did not allow him to make up the prayers as he went along.  Check out the whole story there.

Now the local newspaper is rallying around this wonderful rebel priest with a poll question to the readers:

Should a priest be allowed to change the words he says during Mass?

I'm not sure how often this paper runs polls to see if lawyers and judges should be able to change the words of the laws when they want to.....  but anyway, GO VOTE.  It looks like Fr. Z has made good progress here.  

Read more here: http://www.bnd.com/2012/02/03/2043611/after-priest-refuses-to-accept.html#storylink=cpy

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