There were over 18 buses of souls at today's Rally for Religious Freedom in St. Paul, Minnesota, gathered at the Warren E. Federal Building. Notice the reporter says "hundreds" of people. How many hundreds? Hundreds as far as the eye could see! Deo Gratias!
I literally laughed out loud listening to this "reporting" from a local news team. Watch the video coverage to find out how free contraception saved a young girls life! ROFL! One serious problem with the reporting, this student went to the University of Minnesota... which is not affected by the HHS mandate being protested. Grasping for straws.
Bishop John Quinn of the Diocese of Winona led a group that packed the plaza in front of U.S. District Court in downtown St. Paul on Friday, March 23, in prayer opposing the Obama administration's health care law mandate that employers provide coverage of contraceptives in health care plans.continue at Pioneer Press
How many children do those activist have?
Do those people have more that the American average of 1.3 children.
Are they themselves fruitful?
A Father of 10 would like to know.
Pablo the Mexican,
I was there and knew at least 10 of the families present - all of whom have multiple children. We have 3 ourselves.
Praise God for your "yes" to God's gift of life! I'd ask you, though, are the number of children one has the only measure of fruitfulness? As one who experience infertility, I'd use a very different measuring stick.
Our buses were happily represented by many Catholic homeschooling families with more than 5 children per family. I don't agree that this is a First Amendment issue--this is a contraceptive mentality issue. All the evil that has sprung from the contraceptive mentality is what's giving us the HHS mandate of today. As Fr. John Hardon said: We will not stop abortion until we stop the contraceptive mentality.
Bunch of old duffers living in some past century. Birth control is used. Get over it!
You are right! In fact, we should receive the pill instead of the host during our Mass. That is, if our horse and buggies can make it to church that day. If only we would realize it was the dinosaurs religion that wiped them out.
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