Marquette's "Caring for Earth Prayer & Planting Service"

Marquette University Campus Ministry's Photos

What more could I possibly add.


Larry Denninger said...

"In the name of the pawpaw, and of the gum and of the holy tree root, Amen. Let us pray:

Our pawpaw, who art in hemlock, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy willow be done, on Earth Day, as it is in hawthorn..."

Larry Denninger said...

You know what? That hole they dug is way too small. It should be at least twice the diameter of the root ball and about the same depth-wise. That tree is gonna struggle mightily in that dinky hole. Nice going, earth-niks.

Which goes to show that just because you care doesn't mean you know what the heck you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Care for creation - last I checked it was part of our social teaching . . . .

Badger Catholic said...

This blogger often posts on Rerum Novarum. I think we are just looking for something a little more mature. Industrialism had a major impact on the family and the world - there's much to be said here. Planting a tree in a state covered in forests teaches little. Talking about bringing back the family farm in this state for example would more useful.

Al said...

This isn't about actually doing something, it is all about symbolism, making it look like we are doing something, while not really doing anything but making ourselves feel good.
If they were serious then, like you said,they should focus on real problems like bringing back the family farm that the Obama administration seems hell bent on completely destroying with its child labor regs.

Anonymous said...

Love how you can bring an Anti-Obama statement into most anything.