And now we discover color photos. This church was demolished some years ago....
From Lamentations
Vau. And he hath destroyed his tent as a garden, he hath thrown down his tabernacle: the Lord hath caused feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Sion: and hath delivered up king and priest to reproach, and to the indignation of his wrath. Zain. The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath cursed his sanctuary: he hath delivered the walls of the towers thereof into the hand of the enemy: they have made a noise in the house of the Lord, as in the day of a solemn feast.
What a gem! Do us a favor and never again post pictures of churches like this that do not exist...it's too dissapointing.
More Paul Ryan then, hmmmm? http://heygirlitspaulryan.tumblr.com/page/3
Virginia, I would be lost without Paul Ryan memes.
Suddenly, me too!:) I may have to undertake an extensive research project to determine which is the best.
OMIGOSH! How could they demolish such a treasure. It's insane!
Please excuse me while I attempt to pry my jaw off of the floor and then bawl my eyes out!
Neo-iconoclasm, heresy redux. So sad.
It's a sin and a descration to demolish such beauty.
Absolutely tragic. :(
most of the interior decorations were saved and sold to private interests
superior had many historical sites, they were all tore down for no reason. i went there with my mom as a kid and the place was amazing , it was a special ed program then and the church was blocked off, but we snuck in to look . what a shame the people in superior didnt know what they had
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