Family tree healing prayers "offensive to pious ears?"

I posted on this a while back and I had a priest email me saying the family tree healing stuff is bad.  Anyone else?   Here's the original post.  The email:
I as doing some internet research on healing the family/generational healing as a friend of mine who is very devout is greatly enamored with this concept.

As a priest, I urge you to have nothing to do with this nonsense. The theology is faulty and "offensive to pious ears" to use an old and rarely heard phrase today.

To save time, I will direct you to this website which does explain why this fad cannot be reconciled with our Catholic faith. Here is the link.
Hmm, some bishops also oppose it.


Kat said...

What, is Virginia posting awesome stuff and you the weird and wacky stuff today? That's two in a row for you.

Badger Catholic said...

Hahaha! Just wait for Fanatic Friday!

Terry Nelson said...

I always thought it was weird too.

Cassandra said...

Don't be so quick to completely write this off. There are elements reconcilable with Catholicism, along with those element not. The idea that family spirits hang around must be rejected. But particular demons could harass family lines that it has found vulnerable.
It's notable that a Korean bishop rejects this because Koreans are immursed in a culture that espouses ancester worship and so are vulnerable to the wrong elements.

The argument that exorcisism breaks the influence doesn't hold up. Yes, the infant is freed, but once it reaches the age of reason and begins to make moral judgments, they can open themselves back up to demonic influence due to their own choices, particularly if they are emulating destructive behaviors of their parents.

In the Midwest, witchcraft of various sorts is common family tradition amoung the women. A mother teaching these practices to a daughter opens her daughter up to demonic influence.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath-water.

Cassandra said...

Family Tree Healing has hit the Wisconsin circuit again. While I don't retract what I said above about parental delving into the occult affecting at least minor children, I have to say that after further recent research into Family Tree Healing, the movement and practice itself has to be rejected.