Institute of Christ the King to hold young adult summer camp in Milwaukee

Following last year's first Sursum Corda retreat, the Institute of Christ the King has once again organized a young adult summer camp for ages 18 and older.  It will be held in Milwaukee at the Retreat Center located on the grounds of St. Francis de Sales Seminary (3257 South Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235).  The camp will begin with check-ins at 3 PM on Friday, August 10 at the Retreat Center and will end on Monday, August 13 at 12 PM.

There will be daily Mass and Compline, Faith formation classes and discussions, and other social activities for the young men and women.

Register online here. Image: ICKSP's Facebook page.

If you can't make the ICKSP summer camp, but want to meet other Milwaukee-area young adults, join us and Bishop Hying in Boating with the Bishop!

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