Iowa nun says Obama has "Good Catholic Values" in Des Moines Register

via Creative Minority Report:
Sister Patricia Miller wrote an opinion piece in the DesMoines Register praising Obama and ripping Paul Ryan. She actually praises Obama for his accommodation for religious liberty in the HHS mandate. This is sick and if you needed to know why the LCWR is being scrutinized by The Vatican look no further than this:
Des Moines Reg:
The president is diligent in viewing the needs of all citizens. Iowa, in 2000, was one of the first states to require our insurance companies to cover contraception. The bishops requested that those whose beliefs were against contraception not pay for others who use them. President Obama obliged with a plan that persons not using contraceptives, because of their beliefs, would not have their insurance increased, but it was refused by the bishops.

Through all actions and laws, President Obama is not taking away our religious freedom as Catholics. He has always considered the value systems of the different religions and tries to accommodate as best possible.

The president has been a faithful and loyal partner for Catholics starting as a community organizer in Chicago working with Catholic parishes in poor neighborhoods. His salary was funded by a grant from a group of the Catholic Church.

He knows that local churches often do more good for a community than a government program ever can. The Obama administration has proven its support for Catholics worldwide in the increase of funds directed toward charities, education and volunteer services to lift the vulnerable communities at home and abroad.
I was unable to find what order she belonged to.  Al, do you know?



Terry Nelson said...

Is this the same Sister Patricia that writes for Acts O'the Apostacy?

Badger Catholic said...

haha, I almost posted AoftheA's Sr. Pat profile pic when I was putting this together.

Al said...

Methinks it is time for the Davenport Bishop to call her into his office for a good talking to.