Tweeting and whatnot

On Twitter this week, Catholic Drinkie mentioned to me that she met Bp. Ricken and he was looking at getting setup on Twitter.  I say the more bishops the better.... which I'm sure also happens to be someone's famous last words.  The Diocese of Green Bay is the diocese I get the least information about(yes, even less than Superior).  Conspiracy?  I think so!  I get the most input from Madison and Milwaukee areas which I greatly enjoy.  If you have a solid parish or project you want to help promote, let me know.  I'm excited to visit St. Anthony's in Milwaukee next time I'm in town. 

If you missed it, Madison Diocese is putting together lots of good stuff for the Year of Faith.  Also Bp. Hying in Milwaukee has a video series, and they are running a C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith series

Bp. Sample has been praised for his use of social media.  They've got a lot of good stuff going on up there in the U.P.

Speaking of Tweeting bishops, look at how much fun this is!

This lead me to wonder how any modern person could be canonized, not because of their sanctity but because everything a person ever wrote has be be reviewed as part of the investigation of their cause. Does that mean every tweet and email?

I'm reading The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, and it's telling that Inter Mirifica(VII Social Communication doc) was one of the least supported documents of the council, really because bishops didn't feel they had the expertise to address communications.  *sigh*  Well, I think the new round of bishops are willing to gain or find someone with the expertise to Bring It To The People. 


Kat said...

If I ever had a saint cause, I would feel sorry for the person who has to go through my middle school fanfiction.

Anonymous said...

I also don't know much about the Green Bay diocese, though at election time the news always points out that Green Bay is "heavily Catholic". Now that I think of it, a lot of the Green Bay people I have met are practicing Catholics, though of the social justice type, who are still Catholic enough to vote for Pro-life candidates (GOP) even though they tend liberal on most of the economic stuff, Bobby Kennedy types I guess. Superior though, that is just a deadzone, no information comes in or out of there. Madison seems the best at dealing with technology, Milwaukee is Catching up.

Badger Catholic said...

Believe it or not, I do actually get some updates from people in Superior, but more or less it is the wasteland, but it's much less populated so things happen on a smaller scale up there. Green Bay saw a big uptick in the pro-life vote this time around, it could just be they are shy.

Erin said...

Interesting thought about how much of our lives are documented nowadays. I recently wrote about how Pope Benedict will be on Twitter soon!

Al said...

Bishop Ricken's 1st tweet should be on how he will NOT let The Freedom From Religion Foundation shut him up.

William said...

((""Superior though, that is just a deadzone, no information comes in or out of there"")) Kiddo, have you said a mouthful!

Cassandra said...

Lord save us from Twitter.

I don't find the adoption of 140 ch posts of one's passing thoughts by the bishops encouraging. Rather I see it as the adoption of a fad for the fad's sake. I don't see bishops really using blogs effectively; reducing to 140 ch. isn't going to help.