Abp. Listecki talks about making his way to March for Life

I couldn't find it on the Arch Mil website so I'll post it in full
This Thursday I’ll be making my way to Washington D.C. for the Pro Life March. One thing is for certain that the hundreds of thousands of marchers will be ignored by the main stream media which basically disagrees with the moral stance of the participants.

Most Americans have a moral code that your choices are fine as long as they don’t interfere with another person’s rights. Americans also equate morality with law so if the law permits it then it’s basically okay. The marchers are basically challenging both understandings first that it is a choice that effects another human being, when abortion is chosen a human life is denied its right to life and second although a Supreme Court decision (Roe v. Wade) declared a woman’s right to have an abortion it is still immoral to take an innocent human life. In the history of Supreme Court decisions this is not the only decision that was basically wrong and immoral. The Dred Scott decision declared slavery lawful. It was wrong and not morally right people can never be treated as the property of another.

We will march to challenge the existing understanding to hopefully elevate the consciences of our citizens but as Christians, we will also be praying for a change of heart for our nation. Many in public life will use the rhetoric of concern for children but for some reason they stop when it comes to protecting the child in the womb. Perhaps this comes from a misguided understanding of individualism which refuses to interfere with the choices made by another individual, “I’ve got to do what’s right for me.” Jesus taught our responsibility for others even to the point of emphasizing that whatsoever we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do for Him. I’ve heard it said that we will never get back on track as a nation until we recognize the right of the child in the womb. It will be then that we understand the sacredness of life and as a nation truly protect life.

We as believers will be marching witnessing to the fact that God is the author of life and following the teachings of His Son we seek the protection of the unborn child who is the least of or brothers and sisters. This week please pray for the unborn, women facing those decisions, the marchers and our nation to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

Hope starts here,

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

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