Donald Driver calls it a career

The great Donald Driver has called it a career. Driver had been the Packers' last remaining player to suit up for the Green and Gold in the 90s.

A few points of reference on just how long Driver has been with the Pack:
  • Driver was the Packers' last draft pick in 1999. Their first? Antuan Edwards, who has been out of the league for seven years.
  • The second most recent Packer to play for Green Bay in the 90s was a certain Brett Favre.
  • Driver played three seasons with Dorsey Levens. Packer fans: when's the last time you thought about the name Dorsey Levens?
  • Number 80 was easily the last Packer to play for Ray Rhodes in Green Bay. He's the second last Packer to have played for Mike Sherman (whose last year was Drivers' 7th season).
In case you're wondering who is now the Packers' longest tenured player, it's a certain Aaron Rodgers. Given his three years on the bench behind the Old Gunslinger, it might not seem like he's been here that long, but he's now seen the entire roster of his rookie year turn over. (Quick aside: While researching this, I learned that the three-time All Pro fullback Vonta Leach started five games for the Pack. Even better, a wide receiver named Taco Wallace played a game too.)

Who's number two on the list? It's a tie between Tramon Williams, Greg Jennings, Chuck Woodson, AJ Hawk and Ryan Pickett. Jennings is almost certainly gone, and I'll be surprised if Woodson, Hawk and Pickett play here more than another year.

From all of us here at Badger Catholic, we salute you Donald Driver. We hope to see you back in July as an assistant coach. Until then, enjoy the ride off into the sunset as we enjoy watching this replay of your signature highlight on repeat.


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