Laetificat: Where the “Womenpriests” are

A “Roman Catholic Womanpriest” simulates Mass at Holy Wisdom Monastery. Via screen capture from Madison “Call to Action” dissent group website.

continue at Laetificat Madison

Elizabeth also did a good piece here  The problem with Holy Wisdom Monastery


Greg said...

The candles say it all.

Al said...

After reading this & the links, I had to check out the Unholy Foolishness website. I had to shake my head when I saw they claim they are following the "spirit" of the Rule of St. Benedict. Joanie Chittister's reinterpretation probably. Both of which are probably cousins the the "spirit of Vatican II" the same gang loves to use to justify dissent. But it is definitely NOT the real rule they follow. Given I have been reading through it 3 times a year for about 10 years now, I know what it says. & I guarantee you, they are not Benedictines.
I have to add that I did wonder if there were any connections between them & the Wisdom's Well gang. I say this because I suspect this is 1 of the few places in the Diocese where they are still welcome.

Elizabeth D said...

Yes Al, the Wisdom's Well women are connected with them, in fact one of the Wisdom's Well women is a HWM oblate. One of the Sinsinawa Dominicans in Wisdom's Well is on the HWM schedule to give a talk or something coming up.

William said...

These poor, benighted women take tastelessness to new heights. Where there is beauty, there is God. There is no beauty in this photo.

Al said...

Elizabeth, Mille Grazie. I am not surprized to hear that. Birds of a feather, etc.

GOR said...

Whenever I see pictures like this I’m reminded of children playing “dress up” – and it is just about as ‘real’.

Also of my mother’s admonition when we were cavorting about as kids: “Stop your play acting!”