Bp. Morlino: Children have a right to mother and father

Marriage is a ‘school of mercy’

God, in His eternal plan, gave us a “school of mercy,” a “school of beauty,” to train the eye of faith of the very young. That school of mercy and of beauty is the family — one husband, one wife, one lifetime, with openness to children.

By way of the sacrificial and full gift of one man and one woman, expressed by the outpouring of their very lives in the co-creation with God of their children, and their promise to remain faithful one-to-another until death, father and mother create (with God) a school of sacrificial love, which is mercy for us. Children have a right to a mom and a dad (and to learn even as their first words, “mom” and “dad”).

The ideas, even the very words of “mother” and “father,” are foundational to the understanding for children of the whole rest of life. It is how the Creator created humanity to continue and to grow, and it is a “school,” that God has blessed by making His home within it, and raising it even to the level of Sacrament — a sign of His presence.

Children have a right to mother and father

Little children have a right to mother and father, granted by the very law of nature. Why are their rights so easily disregarded in the name of other “rights” which couldn’t really be rights at all? Why are the rights of children to be born in accordance with God’s will (or even born at all) completely trampled upon, in the name of “rights” of other individuals to do as they feel?

It was a great joy to me (and there have been many great joys to me about the Papacy of Pope Francis, whom I often slip and call “Saint Francis,” already) to hear him repeat, almost word-for-word, the core of the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI, that we live in a “dictatorship of relativism” and that the only way out of the oppressive rule of this dictatorship is for all people of good will to look upon and to accept the truth about the nature of the human person — the natural law.
whole article at Madison Catholic Herald


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