In your charity

Could you say a prayer for me?  Especially if you don't like me.  I've had some severe migraines since Holy Saturday and some problems with my left eye.  Thank you. 


Erin Manning said...

Prayers coming! I have migraines too so you have my total sympathy. God bless!

Darla Meyers said...

Prayers are headed to St. Gemma Galgani to intercede for you, to Jesus, through Mary. She suffered from severe migraines, also. Deo Gratias!

Terry Nelson said...

I will pray! I hope it is nothing serious - I have pain like that but it's an eye problem - I pray yours is simply a bad headache. God bless you!

Carlos Carrasco said...

I'm headed to Adoration in an hour. I will pray for you there. Feel better & GOD bless you!

Badger Catholic said...

Thank you all kindly!

Badger Catholic said...

It is likely an eye problem, I actually thought "now I can be just like Terry!" How is yours doing now anyway?

GOR said...

Prayers on the way, BC! Hope you are better soon.