VaticanInsider: The Vatican doctors approve the miracle to make Wojtyla a saint

"A saint now!" The canonisation of Wojtyla is getting closer quickly and it could be celebrated next October. In fact, in the past few days, the medical council of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has recognized as inexplicable one healing attributed to the blessed John Paul II. A supposed "miracle" that, if it is also approved by theologians and the cardinals (as it is very likely), will bring the Polish Pope, who died in 2005, the halo of sainthood in record time, just eight years after his death.

It all happened in great secrecy, with maximum confidentiality. In January, the postulator of the cause, Mgr. Slawomir Oder, submitted a presumed miraculous healing to the Vatican Congregation for the Saints for a preliminary opinion. As it is known, after the approval of a miracle for the proclamation of a blessed, the canonical procedures include the recognition of a second miracle that must have occurred after the beatification ceremony.

Two doctors of the Vatican council had previously examined this new case, and both gave a favourable opinion. The dossier with the medical records and the testimonies was then officially presented to the Congregation, which immediately included the examination in its agenda. In the past few days it was discussed by a committee of seven doctors, the council (presided over by Dr. Patrick Polisca, Pope John Paul II's cardiologist), Pope Benedict XVI's personal physicians and now Pope Francis's. The medical council also gave a favourable opinion, the first official go-ahead by the Vatican, by defining as inexplicable the healing attributed to the intercession of the blessed Karol Wojtyla.
continue at Vatican Insider

Photo: Orbis


Donald R. said...

The contemporary method of determining saints is considerably less stringent than it was prior to John Paul II's changes to the process. For example, there is no longer the position of Promoter of the Faith (Devil's Advocate) who argued against canonization. Also, canonizing one who's pontificate witnessed perhaps the most drastic decline of the Church in history, seems at least imprudent.

Anonymous said...

It is so political it's shameful. The hierarchy continues to lose the confidence of the Faithful bringing this unhappy reality upon itself. It make some so sad.

Anonymous said...

in the middle ages people became saints by a much less stringent process to the point that some people were declared saints who may not even have existed, this does not worry me.

James K Savonarola said...

while its concerning for different reasons if JPII is indeed a saint and Holy Mother Church declares it I will not stand against it. I would prefer that the devils advocate be reintroduced, but I recognize that the process for the declaring of sainthood has not always been the same, and the miracles should be examined, as they were, and the conclusions drawn as they have been

Badger Catholic said...

I'm in agreement on this process moving slower, but all we know is the doctors approve the miracle at this point. The process may indeed be slowed down if so desired by the congregation or the pope.

Also this pope is keenly aware of JPII's failures when it comes to one Marcel Marciel with whom he is very familiar.

Anonymous said...

Badger, I hope it is s-l-o-w-e-d down. But this has been called an age of instant gratification.