The seemingly never ending cycle of Wisconsin elections comes to an end Tuesday (at least for a bit). While reasonable people can perhaps disagree about who was the better candidate in some of the various elections over the past two and one half years, the choice in this year's State Supreme Court race is clear.continue at WTMJ
Justice Pat Roggensack should be re-elected in a landslide at least as large as her victory in the Primary.
Justice Roggensack is one of Wisconsin brightest legal lights. She has over 17 years of experience on the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Her integrity and legal acumen is unimpeachable. In short, she is precisely the type of jurist that the Wisconsin Supreme Court needs.
Originally, some on the far Left of the political spectrum hoped to unseat Justice Roggensack. The thinking was that if they could defeat Justice Roggensack, a judicial conservative, maybe they could use the Court to do what the Left couldn't do through the ballot box - namely, undermine portions of Governor Walker's agenda.
A number of high profile challengers considered making the race but declined partly in deference to the high regard with which Justice Roggensack is held. The result is that no A-list candidates emerged. Actually you can make a case that no B or C-list candidates emerged either.
Justice Roggensack's challenger has no legislative experience, no prosecutorial experience, no experience as a circuit court judge and no experience on any appellate court. His major argument for replacing Justice Roggensack is that the Supreme Court is "dysfunctional" and that his election would help improve relationships among the Justices.
Also don't forget Pro-Life Wisconsin endorsed Don Pridemore for State Superintendent.
For THIS race? ROFL! Thomas Maloney called, he wants his math back.
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