People Look East! Bishop Conley and His Cathedral Move Ad Orientem for Advent and Christmas

Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska has just issued a pastoral column in the diocesan newspaper, The Southern Nebraska Register, explaining the basics of celebrating the Mass ad orientem. His column also reveals a plan for the priests of the cathedral during Advent, and then he himself at midnight Mass on Christmas, to celebrate the Masses ad orientem.

Certainly this is an excellent example of the bishop of a diocese properly claiming his role as the “governor, promoter, and guardian of liturgical life in his diocese.
continue at New Liturgical Movement

also good commentary at One Peter Five

To quote Ron Swanson; Please and thank you!

Not to be a negative ninny, but alot of people don't realize the cathedral in Lincoln looks like this:

The Catholic Photographer: Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, NE &emdash; Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, NE

I kind of like the windows. Not sure why the sanctuary is so drastically different.
The Catholic Photographer: Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, NE &emdash; Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, NE


Terrence Berres said...

It looks like a repurposed bank. In the top photo, on the right, note what appears to have been the drive-thru lane.

Cris said...

If the sanctuary was tasteful it would be bearable ... where's the tabernacle?

Dad29 said...

That cathedral was built before HE Bruskewitz moved in as Bishop.

JOB said...

Bank indeed. A friend of mine took one look and said, "Oh, look - it's the National Bank of Jesus Christ."


And yes, Bishop Bruskewitz had to endure it. There's a story there, I'm sure...


Johnthgr said...

I visited the Cathedral of the Risen Christ a few years ago. Although it is a modern I thought it was beautiful. I would urge your readers to visit it. It does a very good job of conveying the upward motion of the Resurrection and the Easter Season, which is the greatest and longest feast in the Catholic Church. I found the people inside and the staff very welcoming to a visitor, it is open all day every day and had lots of people praying inside. For those who want to visit a more tradional church the Old Cathedral is St Mary's Church across the street from the State Capital. It too is open every day.

Unknown said...

The Tabernacle's location ...... If standing in the back of church...... Is on the left side of the Altar. It is similar to a side chapel. You should see what the FSSP can do to that place for their ordinations....... Very transformative. Otherwise, the new cathedral is lacking in catholic architecture. Don't forget to look up the statue-sculpture-artwork piece that stands outside. They call it the corn stalk Jesus.