The death brothers - Wisconsin senators force us to pay for abortion

Both Wisconsin senators, Sen Herb Kohl & Sen Russ Feingold have long been happily in the pro-abortion camp. They feel so strongly about this that they have spoken out publicly in support of abortion and abortion rights.  It seems now the issue is no longer a matter of choice to them.  These champions of choice are now taking the choice away from Wisconsin taxpayers.  The senators in Wisconsin voted FOR taxpayer paid for abortions.  The taxpayer is left with no other choice.  He is now forced to participate in abortion.

Sen Herb Kohl voted to support taxpayer-paid abortions after telling Dan Zeidler that he opposed taxpayer-paid abortions.  Kohl has been US Senator for Wisconsin since 1988, a whopping 21 years.  Perhaps the senator would like to ignore the fact Wisconsin has a state law prohibiting abortion.  Section 940.04.  Also check out 940.12 which prohibits assisted suicide. 

Sen Russ Feingold who is probably more liberal and less popular than Kohl also voted to support taxpayer-paid abortions.  He is certainly in bed with Planned Parenthood, the nations largest abortion pusher.  Recently it looked as though he would support the Nelson-Hatch amendment, but this was because of unrelated public option verbiage.  Last time he pushed his pro-abortion politics he barely won(by 2%) in his 1998 race because he opposed the infant born alive act. Yes you read that right, Sen Feingold a senator from Wisconsin, even goes as extreme as voting pro-infanticide. 

These two angels of death are up for election Herb Kohl in 2012 and Russ Feingold  in 2010.  I hope that Wisconsin Republicans are up to the task.  At least there are some democrat senators(but not from this state) who have tried to save this at one time good party, but it may be too late.  Unless the senators are willing to build up the culture of life, their work will do nothing but destroy. Senators, beware!  The next death that Sens. Kohl and Feingold try to legislate might just be the death of the Democrat Party

Hat tip Dad29

1 comment:

Dad29 said...

Feingold portrays himself as a guardian of civil rights.

Yah, hey.