Listecki comments on communion for politicians

From JSOnline

First off, what a bad photo.  Have you ever seen a good photo of a Catholic bishop in a newspaper?  Is there some secret contest that the worst photo winner gets an all expense-paid trip to Rome? 
Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki said Tuesday that he does not envision denying communion to politicians who vote contrary to church teachings. But he said that he cannot rule it out and that every case would have to be considered individually.
"You have to consider the impact of whatever that person is doing . . . whether you've tried to help them come to an understanding of the teaching," said Listecki, who fielded questions Tuesday at a Milwaukee Press Club's "Newsmaker Luncheon." "It's very difficult for me to see how somebody can be pro-choice knowing the teachings of the church. But individuals may be pro-choice and looking to limit abortions."  [so he will but he wont? ]
Listecki touched on a broad range of topics, although he didn't break new ground. Among the highlights:
 On whether the local bishop should have oversight of individually chartered Catholic colleges and universities: Listecki said any institution that calls itself Catholic, including colleges and universities, derives its identity from the local bishop.
"I would expect an open dialogue with them. I would expect them to understand, if they carry a Catholic identity, the relationship that they have with the bishop in order to maintain that Catholic identity," he said.  [Jesuits can relax, no record of cleaning up bad universities yet]
 On why he has refused to meet with representatives of the victims advocacy group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests: Listecki said SNAP has "politicized" the discussion of clergy sex abuse. "I'm concerned with the healing," he said. "And I'm not too sure the issues brought forth by SNAP are about healing." [I agree, but I think SNAP has legitimate complaints, like the Weakland statue in the cathedral.  That has got to be an embarrassment to any Milwaukee Catholic]
 On the Vatican's inquiry into Catholic women in religious orders, and the fears of sisters that it's a crackdown meant to push them back into traditional roles:[Traditional roles of ... believing the Creed?  Praying?  Perfecting in virtue?] Listecki said the sisters have no cause to worry, and that the inquiry probably will assess what they're doing right, what they can do better and how closely they follow their charism, or purpose for being.
"My sense is one of the aspects the Vatican will be doing is to see how they are responsive to their charism, how they are living their faith," he said. "When you take a look at the power of religious women, we want to maximize that power. We don't want to . . . diminish that power."  [Keep on Reiki-ing and escorting mothers to abort their children.]
I guess I need to learn from St Francis de Sales' maxim,
You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a barrelful of vinegar

Especially the abortion-politician answer is confusing.  In the past I assumed Listecki was of the mindset of Arch Burke that canon law requires bishops to withhold communion in these circumstances.  Perhaps he would like to keep these matters private, I'm not sure.  But I would expect a more direct answer even to the Milwaukee press corp. 

1 comment:

Dad29 said...

He's following in the footsteps of Abp. Dolan.

NEVER offend a (D) politician in Milwaukee.