MN waking up to smell the $$$ in the abortion industry

Got this forwarded to me by some family. Rep Steve Drazkowski serves SE Minnesota.  I hope Wisconsin wises up and follows suit. 
Hello from St. Paul,

Many of you might be surprised to learn that aborted fetal cells are
being used in certain vaccinations.
 More of you might be surprised to
discover that some experts now believe those vaccinations with human DNA
could be linked to autism.

Recently, Theresa Deisher, Ph.D., an internationally renowned expert in
the field of adult stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine, came
to the State Capitol to explain her findings.  She’s discovered that
epidemic regressive autism is associated with the switch from using
animal cells to aborted human fetal cells in vaccination production.

According to Dr. Deisher, studies show that there is an environmental
component, or trigger, that is required for autism and autism spectrum
disorder to occur.  Vaccines are an obvious environmental component, but
while products containing mercury have mostly been ruled out as an
autism trigger, vaccines containing aborted fetal cells cannot be ruled
out because they’ve never been tested for safety.

Dr. Deisher notes that more than 20 vaccines contain aborted fetal
cells, and there is no law requiring that consumers be informed of this,
despite the obvious moral ramifications many Americans would have using
these vaccinations.

Because of this, I am co-authoring legislation with a large bipartisan
group of lawmakers that would require product labeling of stem
cell-based vaccines and patient consent before these human DNA vaccines
are administered to them.

According to the legislation, any vaccines using human DNA must be
clearly labeled as “derived from or manufactured using electively
aborted human fetal or embryonic tissue,” and that they shall not be
administered to a patient without written, informed consent.

Let me be clear: This legislation is not being offered to scare people
from receiving vaccinations.  But it’s unbelievable to me that our
country has ignored what could potentially be a significant health risk
with aborted fetal DNA vaccines.  As the push to use more stem cell
vaccines increases, we can no longer afford to simply hope the
injections aren’t a trigger for autism.

Further, there are many pro-life residents from our area that would be
appalled knowing they’re allowing a vaccine containing aborted fetal
matter to be injected into their toddler – particularly when other
vaccination alternatives may be available. [Damn right!]

With medical studies now suggesting that human DNA vaccines could have
unforeseen consequences, patients should be aware if they’re being
injected with a product containing aborted fetal cells.  Developmental
disorders are no laughing matter, and until we receive definitive
answers regarding these vaccines, the public should be aware of the
potential risks.

Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a patient having access to all
available information before making a medical decision, especially when
it involves a specific vaccine that may have some negative long-term

Steve Drazkowski
MN State Representative
Horrified, we found out one of our sons had been given an abortion vaccine(obviously we parents were not notified).  Found additional information on which vaccines used aborted children

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