Mil Journal Sentinel trying to create controversy

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is hoping there is more controversy. After all, controversy Sells. 
[Money, er I mean...] Controversies, like the one playing out at Marquette, are rooted in part in the Catholic Church's conservative shift under Pope John Paul II, said David O'Brien, professor emeritus of Catholic studies at the College of Holy Cross and professor of faith and culture at the University of Dayton.
LOL, conservative shift from what?  What was previously liberal that was no longer liberal?  He never goes on to clarify.  These people who see the Catholic Church through the glasses of "liberal" and "conservative" just don't get it.  If you are thinking of your 2000 year old Faith in terms defined by American politics of the last 20 years, then you will make politics your religion and religion your politics.  Notice MJS continues to ignore the big question, what does the Catholic Church teach about sexuality and what specifically does Prof. O'Brien teach that is not in line with that.  This is why journalism has been called the Drive-By Media, there's no effort to inform the reader, only to sell sell sell.

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