O'Brien contract already signed, Marquette may need to pay out

From JSOnline
Seattle University professor Jodi O’Brien signed and mailed a contract, accepting a deanship at Marquette University and learned nearly two weeks later that the university was withdrawing the offer, according to an interview O'Brien gave to the Seattle University student paper.

In an interview published Wednesday, O'Brien said she was excited about the offer to become dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Marquette and that she had no idea that there were concerns about her candidacy. Both Seattle University and Marquette are Jesuit institutions[apparently quite different in their teaching].

“I think the president [of Marquette] is responding to people who are concerned with what I represent,” O’Brien told The Seattle University Spectator. “I do not think the opinion of those people represents Marquette as a university.”

O'Brien has released statements, but she has declined interviews thus far with Wisconsin media organizations.

O'Brien mailed an acceptance of the Marquette deanship April 20 and Marquette University President Robert A. Wild told her on May 2 that the offer would be withdrawn, according to the newspaper. O'Brien is a lesbian who has written about sexuality and same sex marriage in some of her academic papers. School officials have said the offer was pulled because some of O'Brien's academic writings were not a good fit with the university's Catholic mission and identity.

When asked whether she was considering legal action against Marquette, O'Brien told the student paper: “I’m in conversation with the university about the best next steps. My hope is that the situation can become an opportunity for institutional learning.” [I think its fair to say O'Brien is being gracious and fair minded about the whole thing, unlike some Mil JS opinion writers ]

She also said Wild told her he was concerned that if she took the job, there would be “too much distraction from people external to the university who did not support my appointment."
Again, its worth pointing out that whomever is on this committee advising Fr. Wild clearly has some agenda against the Church.  She was obviously not a good candidate based on her academic works for this institution.  The fact it might cost Marquette money might mean that candidate teachers are actually screened prior to being hired.  

Photo: St Joan of Arc Chapel, Marquette University

Marquette dumps potential dean
Listecki influenced decision

Going back to my last post, could we say one of these fake "Satan's" Chesterton talks about in today's society is intolerance?  Just ask Jim Stingl.

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