From the Lion and the Cardinal

A short list of immediate changes in policy that, were I the owner of a baseball team, I would make to improve the experience of watching the game. Bear in mind, of course, that doomed contrarian anachronism accounts for a healthy nine-tenths of my opinions on all subjects.
1) Tear out all the JumboTrons and electronic scoreboards. These more than anything poison the experience of watching live sports. If a man wants to watch TV, he can stay home.
2) Forbid all canned rock music. The ballpark organ exists for a reason. Make the organist earn his living.
3) Impose a dress code. Sport jackets and straw hats for men, ankle length sun dresses for women. Just like it was back in the good old days when the world was sane.
4) Accept as much advertising as necessary, but mandate that it all be designed in graphic styles established before 1940.
5) Sing all the verses to Take Me out to the Ball Game, not just the chorus. And by the way: the word is never: nnnnnnnever. There is a consonant at the beginning of that word. Nobody is allowed to act smart and claim that there is a double negative in the song. The words are being sung in the voice of Katie Casey, who is pleading her gentleman-caller to take her to the ball game. She is not currently at the ball game. When she says that she does not care if she nnnnnnnever gets back, she means that she would be perfectly content to remain at the ball game forever. This may be hyperbolic, but it is clearly what the songwriter intended.
After those were implemented, I would begin gathering funds for a Gothic Revival ballpark. It would include a copper roof with numerous turrets (sort of a cross between the old South End Grounds and Craigievar Castle); tympana over the entrances surrounded by niches for statues of fondly remembered players; functional gargoyles caricaturing opposing teams' mascots and players; a tower hung with change-ringing bells to be pealed upon victory; a triptychal manual scoreboard; and an astronomical clock with automata to reënact great plays from team history on the o'clocks and half-pasts. And possibly a bear pit out among the center field foliage, like they have in Old Bern.
HT FatherZ
Me. too.
And I never go near a "ball game":<)!
I watched, because of the weather reports this morning some absolutely horrid "ABC" coverage of "Miley Cyrus" and the absolutely "vomitus" coverage of Brett whatever...absolutely horrid...I'd go through a tornado rather than watching that again...YIKES!...
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