Bps Christensen(Superior) & Sirba(Duluth) visit Benedictines

From the Benedictine Sisters in Duluth
Bishop Paul Sirba (left), Bishop of Duluth, and Bishop Peter Christensen (right), Bishop of Superior, were the guests of St. Scholastica Monastery recently (Prioress Lois Eckes center). Bishop Sirba and Bishop Christensen joined the Sisters for evening prayer and were then their guests for supper.

After supper Sister Lois, on behalf of all the Sisters, presented Bishop Christenson, in honor of his twenty-fifth anniversary of ordination, with an icon written by +Sister Mary Charles McGough. She then gave Bishop Sirba, who is celebrating twenty-four years as a priest, a jar of jam made by +Sister Mary Paul Ludwig. Sister Lois joked with Bishop Sirba saying “If you come back and celebrate your 25th anniversary with us you will get an icon, too!”

Both Bishops later addressed the Sisters. In his remarks Bishop Christenson said that he found his time at prayer with the Sisters to be refreshing to his spirit and soul. Bishop Sirba thanked the Sisters for their work in the Diocese of Duluth and said that he is “touched to the heart by the powerhouse of prayer at St. Scholastica”.

In a closing prayer by Sister Lois, she promised the prayerful support of all the Sisters to both Bishops and their ministries. Everyone then sang Sing with Gladness Overflowing. And the evening was rightly concluded with a blessing given by the Bishops.

1 comment:

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

I pray the blessings of these two Bishops gave an increase of grace to these Sisters of St. Benedict that they may be more faithful to their calling as monastics.
That being said.
My nephew is going to attend St. Scholastica this fall. He's not in their Theology program (praise Jesus!) and will be okay. I'm praying madly (he probably will be immune to any "craziness"...his mother (my sister) and his father have taught him well; will keep you posted:<)!