
Reminder to commenters that you can call ideas stupid or other individual comments stupid but you cannot call other commenters stupid. And really, you are far more effective if you can articulate what you really mean to say.  I'd rather not have to moderate comments here.  I do delete spammers and personal insulters.  Insult ideas and philosophies all you want.


Unknown said...

I have a theory as to why people with errant philosophies need to resort to ad hominem attacks...their reasoning does not make any sense, even to themselves. They must react with vitriol comments out of a sense of self-preservation of the lifestyles they want to continue. It is not unlike a drug addiction. When poison fools people into thinking it's a cure, the poison will take over and is often spewed onto the pages of a blogger who has the remedy. Thank you for being diligent about removing it.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Just peruse the comments on the NCReporter site.
Disgusting. These people call themselves Catholics and set about reviling every single cotton pickin' aspect that makes us Catholic.
And the attacks upon our Holy Father, the bishops, priests, etc. are just sickening.
Whoever moderates this site is just absolutely "crackers", if you ask me.
Thanks for this post; attacking persons is uncharitable; attacking evil and lies is our responsibility as Catholics, as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. We must hate evil; we must pray for sinners, including ourselves, commending everyone to the Mercy of God.