Why is NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin outraged with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel?

Lisa Subeck, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, is “outraged” with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, according to a NARAL email sent this morning. View the entire email here.

But why, exactly, did NARAL state the organization is enraged with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a mere week after the newspaper’s editorial board wished Planned Parenthood a public “Happy 75th Birthday”?
Why is NARAL asking its members to demand higher journalism standards?

On Sunday, August 22, the Wisconsin State Journal printed a high-profile article about the Women’s Fund, an organization that exists solely to pay for poor women to have abortions. You can read that article here.

What prompted NARAL’s rage?
On August 24, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an opinion column about the Women’s Fund by columnist Patrick McIlheran. In the column, McIlheran refers to Anne Gaylor, founder of the Women’s Fund, as “Sweet little old Granny Blood-Money.”

It took NARAL more than a week – from the publishing of McIlheran’s column on August 24 to today, September 1 – to collect their thoughts and get a handle on their rage. Or did it take a week for NARAL to realize the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wouldn’t budge?

NARAL’s attempts to manhandle the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel failed, as the email indicates the newspaper refused to issue a retraction for an opinion column. NARAL didn’t protest the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s birthday wish to Planned Parenthood, so is it only pro-life opinion columns that fill Lisa Subeck full of rage?

Subeck’s demands for higher standards in the abortion debate are laughable, considering NARAL awarded a “George Tiller Memorial Award” at its recent Milwaukee and Madison “Wine and Choice” fundraiser events. An award in the name of Tiller’s trust in women is a disrespect to the thousands of baby girls Tiller killed via grisly late-term abortions. Subeck’s editorial on the George Tiller Memorial Award can be found here.
 Pro-Life Wisconsin

1 comment:

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

I'm sorry (and I speak as part-Irish here), but an apostate Irish is just nasty; and Irish saint is just glorious.