Woman "priest" advocate was seminary spiritual director

In 1992, Archbishop Rembert Weakland named Father Capriolo the spiritual director of the archdiocese’s college seminarians; he is now a pastor in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 
Catholic Culture

Read Good Bye, Good Men.

He would be know as the "gatekeeper."

It's a testament to Milwaukee Catholics to have been able to withstand the blow taken from their own clergy and still be standing with their Faith intact.

Update: Dad29 does a nice job debunking His Hereticalness.


Dad29 said...

We had a little fun with that article.

GOR said...

Yes Badger, as Dad29 pointed out on his blog the Weakland legacy lives on here in Milwaukee. My issue with Fr. Capriolo is one of giving scandal (no, not that kind…) the one of scandalizing the faithful and affecting the salvation of souls. One of the basic responsibilities of anyone charged with the task of handing on the Faith (priest, Bishop, parent, RE teacher, etc.) is to uphold and impart the fullness of the Faith.

Catholics at all levels can have doubts. We’re human. But if one’s role is the preaching and teaching of the Catholic Faith, one cannot let one’s own doubts or weakness of faith enter into how one does that. Publicly calling into question elements of Catholic dogma is giving scandal to the faithful. It’s bad enough when this is done by ordinary Catholics, but much worse and more damaging when it is done by someone ‘in authority’.

Preach the truth in season and out of season. If you can’t do that – then just shut up or get out of the business.

Badger Catholic said...

I agree, GOR. I think the problem here is the grandstanding in a public paper. It's one thing to question teachings, any honest man can to a certain extent. But to do so publicly shows his ulterior motives. He might just like the spotlight, but worse is that he really hopes to change Church doctrine by persuading the public(not really sure how effective that could ever be).