Lutheran pastor to give homily during Mass at Marquette... again.

Last year(2010) we have this:
Some churchgoers may have been surprised to see a robed woman adorning the altar and presenting the homily at the 4 p.m. Mass at Gesu Church this past Sunday, but having a Lutheran pastor speak was part of a more than century-old celebration aimed at promoting Christian unity.

The Rev. Jessica Short, pastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran campus pastor, participated in the Mass through Marquette’s involvement in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The celebration began in 1908 by a small Episcopal Church in New York, but it has grown into an annual worldwide event in which various Christian denominations interact and exchange ministers with one another.
The Marquette Tribune

.... Talk about dis-unity.   Separate your college from the Catholic Church but not have the courage to join the church of choice.  Start with two religions and end with three.

Then guess who's back for next Sunday's Mass:
Rev. Jessica Short from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will reflect on the Sunday scriptures at the 4 p.m. Mass at the Church of the Gesu on Sunday, Jan. 23. As part of this pulpit exchange, Rev. Frank Majka, S.J., will offer a reflection during the Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday worship service at 6 p.m. in the AMU Chapel of the Holy Family.
Maybe Fr. Majka could just go ahead and ordain her.  I mean, why does the Church oppress women anyways.  We should be more tolerant and open, right?

Well if your looking for a place to go to Mass where the faithful are refused a properly celebrated liturgy, you know where to go.  By the way, did you know that they shut down a group of students trying to have a Traditional Latin Mass(yes a shocker)?  More on that next week.



Anonymous said...

These "pulpit exchanges" take place at a few parishes in the Milwaukee area, they seem to almost always involve bringing in female Protestant clergy from the ELCA, one would wonder if this sort of "unity" actually pushes the Eastern Orthodox further away? As far as I now ELCA pastors are not even allowed to preach at other Lutheran synod liturgies (MO Synod and WELS.)

Badger Catholic said...

As far as I now ELCA pastors are not even allowed to preach at other Lutheran synod liturgies (MO Synod and WELS.)


Anonymous said...

The news release lists a contact guy, I wonder what he'd have to actually say about this?