ProLife Wis: Boycott Copps Food Stores and other abortion supporting Wis. companies

Pro-lifers, we need your help again! This summer, Kohl’s was put on a boycott list due to its support of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties [PPOSBC]. Due to the outcry from pro-lifers, Kohl’s stated, in early January of this year, that no support of Planned Parenthood will occur from any level of the company.

Unfortunately, we have discovered another Wisconsin-based company financially supporting the abortion industry. And we need your help in contacting this company! As we saw with Kohl’s, companies do respond to their customers. And remember, pro-lifers are in the majority now:)

Copps Food Stores is a sponsor of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin’s annual Roe v. Wade “celebration.” Copps is owned by Milwaukee-based Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.; Roundy’s “owns and operates more than 155 retail grocery stores in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois under the Pick ‘n Save®, Copps Food Center, Rainbow Foods, and Metro Market banners.”

There are plenty of grocery stores in Wisconsin for pro-lifers to shop at that do not support the killing of innocent children [see list below]. NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, for the record, supports clandestine abortions for teenagers, aborting disabled babies, and laughably states that abortion is “much safer than childbirth.”

If you decide to stop shopping at Copps or any of the Roundy’s stores, LET THEM KNOW. Boycotts work when customers withhold their money, but companies have to be told why their customers are displeased. You can contact Copps through their online comment form here or you can call Copps Customer Service at 1-800-353-4357.

Message to send to Copps [please be civil but firm]:
It has been brought to my attention that Copps is a sponsor for NARAL Wisconsin in their annual Roe v. Wade celebration. Just in case you weren’t aware, NARAL is an acronym for National Abortion Rights Action League, founded by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a once staunch abortion advocate who now dedicates his life to the pro-life cause. I take pride in shopping at a Wisconsin-based company, and I am saddened and disappointed by Copps’ decision to fund NARAL. As long as Copps continues to bankroll abortion, I will not be shopping at Copps.
If you feel comfortable sharing how much money, on average, you spend at Copps, do so. Money talks, especially when it will be spent elsewhere!

The following grocery stores (which can be found in Wisconsin, although not in all areas) do NOT support Planned Parenthood or NARAL, that we know of:
-          Trader Joe’s
-          Sendik’s
-          Piggly Wiggly
-          Sentry
Pro-Life Wis

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