The Provincial Emails: No bishops were harmed in the bankrupting of this Archdiocese

My temptation is to ask how our Archdiocese of Milwaukee can be filing for bankruptcy (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, New York Times) when only weeks ago Bishop Richard Sklba said in the print version of this Catholic Herald interview,

"My temptation is to say 'Tell me what we did wrong.' In that time and place. 'Tell me what we did wrong,'" he said.
His claim is that our Archdiocese's handling of abuse cases was state of the art, and those who say otherwise are unfairly applying hindsight.

I assume his challenge to be told otherwise was not merely rhetorical. Peter Isely and Jim Smith in The Sexual Abuse of Children in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee include this case.
It was an “open secret” that Fr. Dennis Pecore, a priest with the Society of the Divine Savior religious order who was assigned to Milwaukee’s Mother of Good Counsel parish and grade school, was sexually abusing boys at the parish and the school.

In July of 1984, a teacher who was alarmed by the priest’s behavior of routinely taking boys to his bedroom wrote to Archbishop Weakland urging action before “it goes public.” Archbishop Weakland wrote back, “Any libelous material found in your letter will be scrutinized carefully by our lawyers.”

Frustrated, the teacher and two others continued to write the archdiocese, warning of the danger Pecore posed to children. All three were fired.
While it might well be shown this was consistent with our Archdiocese's standard operating procedures in handling abuse cases, it was not state of the art handling. It also indicates that, in fact, bankruptcy is primarily being used to forestall Milwaukee's present and former bishops having to testify. Our Archdiocesan newspaper's brief report includes that
According to Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, the decision to file “is occurring because priest-perpetrators sexually abused minors, going against everything the Church and the priesthood represent.”
One need only recall the case of Father Pecore to be reminded that it was the acts and omissions of our bishops in handling these cases, rather than the underlying acts of priests, that lead to this bankruptcy filing.
 The Provincial Emails

Worth mentioning is the fact the Milwaukee Catholic Herald ran a thirty-two page tribute to Bishop Sklba in an issue last month.  Ummmm, that is lacking a bit of prudence I think. Sklba helped enable many predatory priests in abuse of children.  How could abuse victims be blamed for leaving the Church or wanting to destroy Her in Milwaukee with this type of sh*t shenanigans going on.  The Archdiocese doesn't need to hang Sklba out to dry either, but a 32 page tribute where he arrogantly and publicly touts doing no wrong?  Sheesh!  That is just terrible!


Dad29 said...


While I hold that Weakland and Sklba (and others) were culpable for their egregious errors, I remind you that Mr. Smith is an attorney who (at least a couple of years ago) has an interest in the cases. He was involved in the "fraud" civil charges.

What SNAP apparently wants now is to grind Sklba and Weakland to powder. While I would enjoy watching, schadenfreude is likely sinful...

I don't think that Abp Listecki's decision was ideal, but it is likely the best one he could make under the circumstances.

Badger Catholic said...

I should say that I also agree with Abp Listecki's decision on the bankruptcy - but the canonization of Bp Sklba in the paper was ... in poor taste to say the least. A person who was directly involved with abuse cover up stated publicly in the diocesan paper "Tell me what we did wrong." By definition, he is asking for it. Bankruptcy is needed to handle the financial side of things but it appears from the outside looking in that way, way too much emphasis has been placed on saving face of those involved.

GOR said...

I agree Badger on the ‘insensitivity’ (to say the least!) of the Catholic Herald in publishing a 32-page tribute to Bp. Sklba. To me it was like throwing gasoline on a fire or a stick in the eye to many people - comparable to the recent ‘art’ addition to the Cathedral featuring Ab. Weakland. It is indicative of the continuing influence of the Weakland following in many of the clergy and laity of the Archdiocese.

I place the blame for this ongoing touting of the Weakland legacy squarely on the shoulders of Ab. Dolan. When he took over the Archdiocese he should have banned Weakland from any public involvement in the Archdiocese. He failed to do so and was only forced to react when parishioners publicly protested the planned administration of Confirmation by Weakland at a suburban parish.

Ab. Dolan has many good qualities, but a Cardinal Burke he’s not!

Badger Catholic said...

You know, I wondered that same thing GOR; why Dolan did not distance the archdiocese in any way from Weakland. The American Papist blog at one point had said Dolan is "papable" and I commented that it takes more than press saavy and chumminess. Sometimes it takes an ax.

But between the Sklba canonization and courting Feingold for an ad, I'm starting to wonder about the Milwaukee Catholic Herald. Something stinks in the state of Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

On that note, should a Catholic Archbishop (or any Catholic for that matter) ever state, "Let's make abortion rare?"

Badger Catholic said...

Wowza, thanks for the tip Anon.