Madison Knights of Divine Mercy Mens Retreat March 4-5

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis and the Knights of Divine Mercy invite all Catholic men to join their brothers in Christ for the sixth annual diocesan men’s Lenten retreat. This short retreat promises an opportunity to pursue your Lenten journey through spiritual talks and time for reflection and prayer.

“Only those who do not fight are never wounded;
those who charge the enemy with the greatest spirit
are the ones who receive the most blows.”
St. John Chrysostom

* $30 - Commuter
* $50 - Includes shared overnight accomodations
Details at Madison Diocese

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is an awesome retreat, I would certainly try and attend if you can. I personally can't (I'm too young), but I helped with a little of planing last year and overheard a little of a talk last year, and it sounded killer!!

The speakers this year are also awesome:

Fr. Isaac Relyea
Msgr. Kevin Holmes (Rector of the Cathedral)
Msgr. Jim Bartylla (Vicar General) or Bishop Morlino

Please go if you can!