Wisconsin Right to Life official opposition to Personhood

This is from the official handout at the recent WRTL conference on the topic of a personhood amendment.  I can't post a pdf on Blogger.  I will post the actual files once I get a chance(I'm headed to Milwaukee so I'll post them next week).  I see WRTL does not have anything posted on their website in regards to personhood.

They do present a few reasonable concerns but....  I cannot see the justification for this: 

"Wisconsin Right to Life will oppose any effort to enact a state personhood constitutional amendment in Wisconsin"

Also of note is their Convention on April 16 in La Crosse.  Speakers include Rachel Campos-Duffy.  I would think this is going to be a tough pill to try and convince pro-lifers to swallow.  I'm not. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just emailed them. I'll be very curious to hear their answer.