MN legislator's op ed claims Catholic social teaching supports abortion business

Sen Scott Dibble
Just two weeks ago, our nation was on the brink of a federal shutdown because of congressional conservatives' fanatical focus on demonizing and delegitimatizing Planned Parenthood.

My Catholic commitment to social justice[url in original] sounded an alarm.

In 2008, Title X-funded contraceptive services prevented an estimated 973,000 unintended pregnancies.   [I think they must have put cameras on sperm heads to confirm this, right?]

Good Friday is a time of somber reflection, a time to consider our call as Catholics to greater social justice and a reminder that the moral test of our state and country comes in how we treat our poor. [by killing them]

Ensuring family-planning services remain accessible to all fulfills the dictates of our faith.
Star Tribune

He goes on to claim that Planned Parenthood provides other necessary services like HIV testing, but fails to mention that those services are already provided free of charge by other non-profits including Catholic hospitals.  Same arguments that have been debunked in the national debate, but now USCCB documentation is being used in support of abortion funding.  It's probably unlikely that the USCCB would issue a clarification, although I expect His Excellency Abp. Nienstedt to comment publicly and take action privately to address Sen Dibble's confusion on the issue.  Dibble also strongly opposes traditional marriage. 

HT Bliss


Kat said...

Do you think his "Catholic commitment" alarm is like a spidey-sense? I think I'm more imagining the "woop, woop, woop" at the end of a Looney Tunes bit...

At what point will politicians start realizing that their inability to understand their own stated faith destroys their credibility? If they can't get that right, why should Catholics -- or anyone, for that matter -- believe ANYTHING they say?

Badger Catholic said...

I totally agree Kat. He rallies the religious base against himself, and at the same time his apathetic voters now have to actually reflect on whether or not they support taxpayer funded abortion.