Total Consecration with Bishop Morlino

What: Dedication of the new Miracle of Life Rosary Garden, Total Consecration, Family Potluck Cookout (please bring a dish to pass). All with our beloved Bishop Morlino!

When: Tuesday, May 24, beginning at 5:00 PM

Where: Miracle of Life Rosary Garden at St. Mary of Pine Bluff

This is an open invitation to all Catholics who love Mary, our glorious Queen and immaculate Mother.

You are being invited to an incredible opportunity for us to be consecrated (or renew our consecration) to Jesus through Mary with Bishop Robert Morlino on Tuesday, May 24, 5:00 PM at St. Mary of Pine Bluff. The method of consecration set forth by St. Louis de Montfort consists of a 33-day period of prayerful preparation followed by an actual act of consecration itself.
Details at Knights of Divine Mercy

Devotion.  It's not just for stupid peasants anymore!

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