Aaron Rodgers discusses the very angry Super Bowl cameramen

Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers was on 540 ESPN Radio recently, discussing the Super Bowl and all things Packers [audio here]. After talking about Christina Augilera's bungling the National Anthem, Rodgers shared this story:
“I have one [story] better than that one. We walked out for the coin toss and at the Super Bowl there are these long TV timeouts, so we go out for the coin toss. I’m one of the captains. There’s five of us. The Steelers’ guys are standing over there and we’re standing looking at each other for a good three minutes. Well over to the left about ten camera men have been trying to get in place for the best shot and two of them are fighting. They’re yelling at each other in different languages, flipping each other off and one guy is flipping him off and the other guy below him is just taking all of these pictures of him.

“The guy above is flipping off the little guy down below, who is kind of squeezed in to get the lowest spot. He thought it was the best picture, so the low guy is down. They started screaming at each other. He’s yelling at him. The up guy is flipping him off and the down guy just starts taking all of these pictures at him. The guy who stands up… he just started taking pictures. They’re both screaming at other and taking pictures of each other for a good minute and a half and I’m tapping A.J. [Hawk] like look at that over there! Look at those guys! It was unbelievable.”

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