You know you're doing something right when HuffPo writes snide editorial remarks as news.
It's important to note, however, that this budget does NOT even come close to defunding Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. It's a step in the right direction, as it eliminates some funding, but it's not a total defunding, like Indiana.
In 2010, PPWI received $18 million in state and federal taxpayer funds. Read a summary from Jill Stanek here about the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by state. Catholic Vote also covered the defunding PPWI effort, which you can read here.
It's important to note, however, that this budget does NOT even come close to defunding Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. It's a step in the right direction, as it eliminates some funding, but it's not a total defunding, like Indiana.
In 2010, PPWI received $18 million in state and federal taxpayer funds. Read a summary from Jill Stanek here about the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by state. Catholic Vote also covered the defunding PPWI effort, which you can read here.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is expected to sign a budget bill on Tuesday [June 28] that eliminates state and federal funding from nine of the state's Planned Parenthood health centers, making Wisconsin the fourth state to defund the family planning provider after Indiana, Kansas and North Carolina did so earlier this year.The new state budget also cuts men out of BadgerCare, the state's Medicaid-funded family planning program, and tightens the eligibility restrictions for women, which could jeopardize the entire program. The U.S. Department of Health would have to agree to such dramatic changes to BadgerCare that state officials worry the program might end altogether, leaving 57,000 uninsured patients without access to health care.A Planned Parenthood spokesperson said Wisconsin has never seen an administration more fundamentally opposed to family planning and birth control. Walker was the first gubernatorial candidate to seek and win the official endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin -- a group that considers birth control a form of abortion and opposes sex education for teenagers.Numerous state lawmakers have expressed their disdain for Planned Parenthood."There's a very ugly side to this organization, and I regret that they're going to take such a tiny cut in this budget," said state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) during negotiations on the budget.The new budget eliminates $1 million a year in funding for nine of Wisconsin's 25 Planned Parenthood clinics, which provide low-cost preventative health care to over 12,000 uninsured women in small communities like Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Eau Claire and Kenosha.
I am all for removing government funding from Planned Parenthood. The organization will be stronger and healthier if it returns to its roots as an organization dependent on VOLUNTEERS, and on the financial support of those citizens who approve of its program. The same is true of a variety of other organizations, no matter what the cause, including religious schools. Government funding is a crutch, and invites the government to infringe on the exercise of freedom of association.
Would you also support the KKK if they were a group based solely on volunteers?
BC, when someone makes a statement of truth it is best to simply praise that truth and let it be. To insert something about the KKK is simply an attempt to turn an agreement into a disagreement.
Heck, I would even raise a foamy mug and heartily toast SJ's statement that PP would be stronger and healthier surviving on its supporters. We may part ways on what we think a strong and healthy PP clinic would look like (I for one think the only good PP clinic is a closed PP clinic). That said, may all PP clinics be good PP clinics!
Sorry anon, PP is not a "charity." Making women slaves of big pharma is wrong no matter who is paying for it. Their mission is opposed to the needs of a healthy society. Hence my reference.
My dear brother in Christ (even if I am, in the eyes of your canon, a heretic), I never said I support ALL organizations that rely on volunteers!
I said organizations advancing a point of view SHOULD be reliant on volunteers, rather than on government funding. I devoted a couple of decades of my life to organizations that rely on volunteers, NONE of which were either the KKK, or Planned Parenthood, and we NEVER accepted government funds.
Now, once we have dedicated advocacy weaned from tax funded largesse, EACH of us has to answer the question, which ones DO we support?
I support Planned Parenthood, you would just as soon support the KKK. I don't support the KKK, and even if the rumor is true that what is left of the Klan has decided to admit Catholics, I doubt if you would join it for any reason.
I do NOT support any "right to life" organization I currently know of, BUT, I support your right to freedom of speech, which means you can proclaim what you believe to anyone who will listen, and offer alternatives to any woman who will accept them, no matter WHAT Planned Parenthood thinks of it. It's legal means you won't go to prison. Whether you will go to hell is a separate question, also worthy of independent consideration.
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