Today, June 6, marks 46th anniversary of legalization of birth control

Today, June 6, pro-lifers across the state will be marking the 46th anniversary of the Griswold v. Connecticut Supreme Court decision, which decriminalized birth control, led to the pseudoscientific redefinition of pregnancy from conception to implantation and paved the way for Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand.

As Cecile Richards states in an op-ed in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, “Griswold led to a series of key decisions that would come to define the concept of privacy in American jurisprudence. The anniversary of the Griswold decision should be an occasion to honor the opportunities that our democracy makes possible.

What Richards knows is that without the so-called manufactured “right to privacy” in Griswold, there would be no “My body, my choice” nor “Abortion is between a woman and a doctor.” Pro-Life Wisconsin has been observing Griswold with prayer vigils since 2004.
Click here to read the rest from Pro-Life Wisconsin and for the list of prayer observances.

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