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Barbara Lyons |
http://www.wpr.org/webcasting/audioarchives_display.cfm?Code=jca. Wednesday May 25, 7am.
During the interview at about 5:50, she states, “Planned Parenthood could make a choice -- they could say, 'We're no longer going to provide abortion services' and then no one would object to their receiving tax dollars… Let me say again, If they just worked on health care for people[free birth control], no one would object to their receiving tax dollars.” She basically reiterates the same thing when people call in.
Ahem.... yes, some of us indeed to oppose taxpayer funded contraception since for starters it leads to abortion. And we have a name too; Catholics.
Also did you know that Archbishop Weakland was one of the founders of Wisconsin Right to Life? Just sayin.
Sad to see that Archbishop Listecki was the keynote speaker at a WRTL event in Milwaukee last week.
Call me crazy but I think it is actually a good thing for the pro-life movement in WI that these two seperate organizations exist.
Yes, the Republican Party needs someone to provide an out.
If the result is laws that are not actually pro-life but are called "pro-life" then that twice defeats our movement.
What makes us American is freedom. America & Christianity are made for each other; u can't love God with your heart, soul, mind & strength w/o FREEDOM. "Contracepted Christianity" is not freedom !
Freedom ain't free: ALL IN or ALL OUT !!
What two organizations?
We have allowed ourselves to be ecumenized into a corner in which abortion is our only demand. Instead, we should be fighting contraception (I'd bet Miss Lyons doesn't even know our position: you won't find it in a diocesan newspaper, the 'Catholic' pro-life movement says nothing, and the pulpits are quiet on the subject), and divorce, and the gay insult to marriage. We should also be fighting for Catholic economic solutions, which do exist, and of which even fewer Catholics have heard--basically it's broadening ownership over time without inciting class hatred. Notice that's broadening ownership, not income; that's the breaking up of the huge monopolies, giving us more small capitalists, fewer giant ones. That option is possible even in a secular state, but the Republican party, while saying it's for capitalism, is actually for the Bigs, every policy. That's what the tea party is incoherently fighting against, and which we could use. And last, we need to fight the secular state itself, to fight again for the Restoration of a Catholic state. We'd have a shot in hell--until we get to outer space and can run for the border again--but raising the cry would change the political conversation.
But no, all we do is fight abortion. I am especially disheartened by priests who make it their whole lives. It's the easiest fight in the world, it has an easy Enemy (outside the mills that enemy becomes the aborting woman, the shouts are leveled at her from the virtuous prayer warriors, who themselves are contracepting or supporting contraception among their children and grandchildren, if polls are right).
This little recent uptick of success against Planned Parenthood is just the prow of a great ship emerging from the fog. Big Business itself is waking up to the cost of abortion (originally offered just as a liberal incentive to put other economic programs in place, that is, the destruction of the labor unions from within the Democratic party). All the new state initiatives against abortion do not represent any kind of victory for virtue, they represent capital's realization that the little sixties incentive has resulted in the total destruction of our market, with fifty three million little car buyers aborted). You can tell from the new support from the Democratic side. What they do represent is a new stage in the utter oppression of women. Or what do you think will happen, when abortion is outlawed, and so has been taken away, at the same time, marriage? How will women manage that? They will leave their infants out to die in central park, just as they did in the days before the Church taught us better. Or they will live lives of total enslavement to holding down two or three jobs and raising children alone, alone, alone. There was never a more degraded bunch of women than American women now. Just stand outside Walmart's and look. Better yet, just stand outside an abortion clinic on Saturday morning and look at them, with pity, with enough pity to offer more than an end to abortion. We need a Catholic party, with a Catholic platform!
Has anyone seen the sex ed materials put out by PP? I have. Yuck.
Sad that people like Abby Johnson and Lila Rose speak at fundraising dinners for an organization which doesn't oppose the funding of the very beast they exposed.
"All the new state initiatives against abortion do not represent any kind of victory for virtue, they represent capital's realization that the little sixties incentive has resulted in the total destruction of our market, with fifty three million little car buyers aborted)."
This is the damaging thought process...well intentioned pro-lifers totally ignoring that CHEMICAL abortions have caused 4-5 times the amount of deaths than surgical abortion, but essentially no mills to protest at for chemicals, not in a practical sense. The dead are actually getting close to 300 million since Roe v Wade, even higher if we go to Griswold vs CT...to their credit PLW do make protests on the anniversary of the latter, something almost NO group does. Also where was everyone last Saturday to protest "the Pill Kills" now in its 6th or 7th season?
Dear BC:
I just heard about this Barb LYonS blog item. Thank you! Political move-abortion can be opposed, but won't touch ThePill.
Barb, please repent, i.e., change your mind.
PP is this: Margaret Sanger's sexual fantasies played out. For everyone. And children are educated in it. Abortion has been big with PP for years. The work of satan, all of it.
Barb, you are working for satan's PP when you endorse them. Shame on you. WRTL is shameful.
Lord have mercy.
Dear Badger:
I just sent a link to this "Barb endorses PP if they did not do abortions and says we all would endorse PP" article to Drew Mariani who just had Barb "Lie"-ons on (Tuesday, June 28, 2011, during the 3:00pm hour) his Drew Mariani program today. Pray he never has her on again. Pray he never endorses WRTL again- he did today after the segment with Barb. I do not endorse Planned Parenthood if they do not do abortions.
Please, Barb! I just started listening to the NPR program link for Joy Cardin's program with Barb-unbelievable! Please everyone listen to this! Lord have mercy! We do NOT all support PP if they do not do abortions! What they do besides abortions I also do not support!
CHILL PEOPLE. If we are going to WIN the battle against abortion we need to use our BRAINS. Do you not understand a DEBATE STRATEGY when you HEAR ONE. Lila Rose actually used the EXACT SAME strategy during a recent debate with PP. Barb Lyons is TOTALLY against EVERYTHING PP does. WRL gives speeches and workshops about PP's agenda and includes dire warnings about their agenda in their teen workshops. The POINT was...she was GOADING them to show that "women's healthcare" is NOT what they provide NOR what they care about. She was GOADING them so everyone could hear that ALL they truly care about is abortion. Again...a SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE debate strategy AIMED AT the uniformed person listening to WPR who actually believes that PP cares about women's health!
Contraception is not health care Trish.
I am confused as to how you can goad someone by telling them that, except for this one tiny little thing they do, no one would have a problem with them. Those are Lyons' words.
Since it would seem this month old article is now drawing some attention, I will do a follow up post. I have not said that WRTL is now "for Planned Parenthood." I said that neutrality on contraceptives isn't the Catholic approach to the pro-life movement. That's fine if they are a Protestant organization, but especially the modern Church from Pope Paul VI onward have said contraception causes abortion. Again, give me some time to explain in a new post.
Pardon me, but hasn't it been a hallmark of the public persona of the Right to Life movement that it is NOT a Roman Catholic thing? There are Roman Catholics in it, and Lutherans who still formally teach the doctrine that Rome is the Whore of Babylon, and various Protestant and Jewish branches? Likewise, there are Roman Catholics, and Protestants, and Jews, who are NOT part of the right to life movement. And there is, last I knew, a little group called GodlessAtheistsForLife.
So, a spokesperson for Right to Life would indeed do well to acknowledge that SOME oppose abortion, but NOT contraception, while others militantly oppose both. But the fact that someone in the right to life movement makes a statement which conflicts with Roman Catholic teaching does not exclude her from right to life, it excludes her from Roman Catholic communion.
Lyons is Catholic, so yah... it kinda does matter.
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